When we celebrate each other everyone wins!

We have an opportunity as women every moment of every day, to either elevate or knockdown another woman in our lives. And when we opt to take the easy way out and knock them down it’s a tragedy, because we all lose.

We send a message that it’s not safe to really shine to be our most brilliant one-of-a-kind selves, but we have to dim our lights cause others will be jealous and threatened. And that message reverberates through our bones, consciously or unconsciously. And tragically, we all lose!

But when we celebrate and champion other women we do the opposite. With our good wishes and blessings, we uplift not only them but the world of women around us. We send a healing balm, a sacred salve if you will, that begins to heal the ancient wounds in women’s psyche that tells us “We’re powerful. We have a voice. Just because! We all win!

By the way, this is not the same as honestly assessing when our sisters have done something incorrectly, or “off base,” or out of line from a place of genuinely assessing what works and what doesn’t.

It’s the motive to “knock her down,” out of fear, feeling small and threatened. Very different.

I believe when we celebrate other women and champion them to shine bright in the world, we create a ripple effect that heals other women and the planet as a whole.

I believe it in the fiber of my being.

How will you celebrate another sister today?

How will you allow yourself to be celebrated! Happy Women! Happy Planet!

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