Today I started my day in a very powerful way. I did my core exercise to Carly Simon’s “I haven’t got time for the pain.” It’s my anthem to give up all forms of drama in my life. We can’t avoid the painful circumstances and feelings that come up in our life, but we can avoid creating unnecessary drama around it. I breathed Carly’s sage words into every muscle, and on the exhale visualized breathing out the old.

I then sent a very cogent well-crafted and comprehensive email on specific actions we can take to have our voices heard and our votes matter in this upcoming election. Thank you Jessica James who is incredibly knowledgeable about how to utilize our assets.

Please fb msg me if you want to get access on her quite frankly brilliant strategy, and I’ll HAPPILY send it to you.

Immediately after sending out a BCC to about 40-50 folks from my tribe, I received a totally appropriate email asking me graciously to remove them from the list. They already had a plan and needed to monitor their emails. I fell into a slump immediately. Even though I really like this person, and knew their request was totally valid.

I went on with my morning and had this low-grade malaise. Right after that 3 people wrote to me with deep gratitude for such a robust and intelligent plan of political advocacy that was doable and bite-sized. It gave them hope and a specific call to action. I noticed that while it was affirming to hear from them, I still had the emotional residue from my earlier experience.

Wasn’t logical at all but made sense! It is often our inner narrative that dictates most of our feelings, beliefs, and reactions.

I took a beat and reminded myself of my LOIS-ism, “Life is always talking…make sure you’re listening.” I smiled.

Then I went back to my musical anthem from early this morning today, “I haven’t got time for the pain!” and realized I was picking open an old psychic wound of taking a (what for me what was) courageous action and the first response was less than glowing and allowing that to dictate my feelings and reaction.

I started seeing that this is a long-standing pattern of mine that stops me from being as courageous, vulnerable, powerful, and a force for transformation in the world, which is what I stand for.

Plus plain ol’ happier!

I immediately shifted it and actually decided to share my “unpacking of the human condition” which I’m doing right now. I already feel better.

Several times a day when I get “off course” I need to remind myself how very precious and brief my time on the planet is in the scheme of things. That life is such an extraordinary gift to be cherished albeit the pain it is often mixed with. To stand firm when faced with the seduction of distraction that drama brings with it, and say out loud, “Carly girl ya right!”

“I haven’t got time for the pain,” and refocus on all the good stuff that’s right in front of me.

How does this resonate for you? I’d truly love to know. Thanks for reading this. And I wish for you today, a day of not having the time for the pain!

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