One of the “unexpected blessings” from the pandemic is that for the last 7 months pretty much every day I start my day with 10 minutes of meditation. It’s a combination of just focusing on my breathing, or working with a mantra, or listening to Tamara Levitt, from Daily Calm. I’m not sure if I’m ready to wear long brown robes (browns not in my palette-LOL!) eat quinoa and yodel from hilltops, but I must say it has “slowed down the narrative of my day to day dramas,” so I can stop, breathe, and make a choice how I want my day to go. Practical and Powerful.

With the election less than a week away, to say it’s a nail biter is an understatement. We’re inundated with so much around that, that I wanted my posts to be a soft landing, a reprieve from the strife and turmoil we’re going through.

So now when I connect with source, spirit, HP, whatever you want to call it, I just ask for three things; Grace, Guidance, and Grit.

Grace for me is about flow and being plugged in. Guidance is to hear what the best path and plan of action is, sometimes it’s just the next right step. Grit is the willingness to actually take those actions, despite any obstacles that may be in my way, internally or externally.

Grace. Guidance. Grit. That sums up my spiritual approach, prayers, and outreach, especially during times of duress, when I need to keep it simple.

How about you? Any snappy sound bites, words, phrases, prayers or rituals that connect you with the divine and your sanity on a daily basis?

I’d love to know!

Thanks for tuning in and not tuning out.

No matter how grey and dreary the weather may be may you tap into the eternal sunlight of your soul today!

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